Hello there. I haven't updated in...a long time. So. I'm listening to my fave band. All Time Low. lol. I have alot of fave bands. Just kidding. Its not that much. ATL, Gym Class heroes. Anyway. I think I'm gonna go on a walk. That's my fave thing to do. But no one likes walks. so I go alone. It's not that bad but sometimes they don't let me go cuz I'm alone. But last night they did. And last week they did. Okay buh bye.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My fave FOB song. maybe. i have alot...
Look out for Brendon!
Posted by Potters at 7:36 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
i need a viola if anyone has one. so if you know of one tell me.
Posted by Potters at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I just read an interview with Adam Young and fell in love. http://orchorde.buzznet.com/user/journal/?period=2008-11
Posted by Potters at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
my posse on skit night lol charlotte, tim and aaron
Lizzie in our cabin...
"Shirtless boys!" "Where?!" "There!"

Arrowbear was the most amazing experience ever. Everyone was so friendly. I had friends by the end of the first day. James was the best friend I made there. He wants to be a producer for music and he raps. He was so inspiring to me cause he was so positive and he had a plan for what he wanted to do in life. I love him so much. James, Gabbie and I had really deep discussions that we couldn't have had with anyone else but James. There was some drama between our quartet and James really helped me and Gabbie through it. James and Gabbie were the only people I could have really opened up to. We cried, laughed, sand and danced together which made us like best friends. I'm going to his brother Cameron's bday party on Friday in Long Beach and I can't wait to see them! Most of our friends from camp are going to be there!
The music was very challenging. The first day I thought our conductor Stephen was going to murder us he worked us so hard. I thought that would just be the first day but it got worse. One rehearsal we worked on the same 10 measures for 45 minutes but in the end it was worth it. Our concert sounded really good and I couldn't believe how much we improved. We played the overture of Oberon by Weber, Silhouette by idk, George Gershwin in concert (which was AMAZING!) and gradetzky march by Strauss, and an Elgar piece. I really learned how to use my bow while I was at camp. The middle week was quartet week and the people in my quartet were really good. We played the @nd quartet by David Stone which was really fun. Alot of people said our quartet was the best (partly because we got the best music) everyone else got mozart or haydn.
Well Stephen was the best conductor I have ever worked with. He was so tough on us but he really made us sound amazing. He has an orchestra he will be conducting down the hill so hopefully I will be able to do that.
As you can see from the pics I spent ALOT of time at happy gap. It was amazing just going up ythere for an hour everyday to chill and watch the view. People would play ultimate frisbee at the park and we would watch them from up at happy gap.
Campfire was one of my favorite parts of the day because the atmosphere was so comforting and family-ish. We would sing and people just shared whatever they wanted. I saw more shooting stars at campfire than I have in my whole life.
Posse: the second or third day Dennis (he owns the camp) made us get in groups with people we didn't know and some we did know and these were our posse's. Charlotte, Aaron, Tim, Caitlin, Shorty and Jenny were my posse. We did our skit which kinda failed because Shorty got sick right before so Jacob had to sit in for him. Dennis made us really open up and tell/explain ourselves and about our lives to our posse which was really good for me cause I don't open up to people.
Mornings were great too because we would wake up and see our best friends and that was really nice. Gabbie was crazy in the mornings so we had so much fun. Also every morning we would get into rank and give massages to the people in front of us, behind and next to us. It was reeeaaally nice. And I miss good morning hugs and bedtime hugs so much.
The dances were...eh. Cause I don't dance. The rave was lame so all the guys took their shirts off cause there was nothing better to do haha.
Well moral of the story: Arrowbear is amazing, you will improve as a musician,as a person, and as a friend. Cassie you HAVE to come next year. Oh and btw there were alot of hotties which gives you more reason to come next year lol
Posted by Potters at 7:00 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I should probably go pack but I think I'll leave that to the very last minute.
I have realized that about 85% of my shirts are v-necks.
3 days after I come home from camp Cobra Starship's new album comes out!!!!!!!!!
if you can't tell, i'm very excited
good girls go bad is amazing so I hope the rest of the album is as amazing as the one song.....
cassie, look up their video of Church of Hot Addiction.
it's hilarious
mom is doing a painting of my head
I like the name jonah
it's cute
it sounds like noah and jonas put together
the word nincompoop reminds me of pigeons
so i want a pet pigeon and i would name it nincompoop
i don't like broccoli in case you were wondering
but its kinda good with ranch
so if your gonna make me eat it just give me ranch to go with
my chapstick died today
i almost cried
it melted
it was sad.
See you in 3 weeks.
Peace out.
Posted by Potters at 5:45 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I had a dream that I was on the lake beach and dad told me Brendon Urie was engaged. So I went to their website and it was all halloween themed. I was sad so I went to a book store. It turned out to be Spencer Smith's store and everything was really cheap. I found a book that was Theodosia and I bought it for Christie. So Brendon and his fiance were there and she was kind of ugly. Then they got in a HUGE fight cause she didn't want him to tell his fans about getting married. She broke up with him and stormed off. I felt really bad for being there so I was about to leave and Brendon's grandpa told him to get me another book from the shed. It was raining and we went outside and we were sharing an umbrella. He asked if he could kiss me and i was like hehe yes. I asked if his fiance was coming back and he said do you want her to come back? I was like uh no...then he was like okay. it was weird. Yeah it was a good dream...
Posted by Potters at 11:35 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Gabe Saporta.....
These are awesome! I want them!
Isn't her hair amazing in this photo?
This movie was amazing! I think it was my favorite of all of them. I love the weasleys. Fred and George are y faves. And Ron.
Posted by Potters at 7:19 PM 6 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Fave's of the day
Fave person of the day: Andy Samberg
Why: He's amazing
Fave Song: Oh Glory!~Brendon and Spencer. I guess they are still called Panic at the disco but maybe they should just be panic disco cause ryan and jon were what glued them together. they were the at and the the lol
Why: Brendon is...indescribable. there's not a word that explains how amazing he is.
fave word:amazing
why:amazing is the only adjective i know which is why i say it so much
fave fictional character of the day: sam gamgee
why:he's amazing, and adorable and sweet as pie
p.s. i don't think i have ever said sweet as pie before.
Posted by Potters at 4:00 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Kayla and Kupono
wow this almost made cry. almost. sorry i couldn't find a shorter version. i don't like the poeple who danced after kayla and kupono tho so...
Posted by Potters at 1:18 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
5 bad things
1. Ryan and Jon left Panic at the Disco.
2. Our car died.
3. I lost $20
4. I now owe some lady $10
5. I am in DESPERATE need of clothes.
#1 made me cry the most. I love Ryan and Jon. They are so talented and brought so much to the band. I'm excited to hear what they do apart from panic. But the band will not be nearly the same without them. I guess Brendon and Spencer are continuing to write new music and a new album from panic will come out some day. So atleast panic didn't die from the news.
#2 just kind of sucks because it means i will not be getting clothes for a while.
#3 also means I will not get new clothes.
As does #4. But as a side note to #4 I do not like the lady I owe money to so it does not please me that I have to pay her. She said think of it as a gift but I could tell she wants her money back.
#5 has to do with the fact that I just got rid of all my clothes that don't fit, clothes I never wear, and clothes that are just plain ugly. My drawer is half full. One half is completely empty. I did not get rid of my trashy jeans just incase I didn't get new ones in time of camp.
Some good things...
1. I got a new shirt
2. I went swimming.
3. I went to Olive Garden.
4. I'm going to camp soon.
Posted by Potters at 11:21 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Benny and Joon is the cutest movie ever!!!!!!! I love Johnny Depp. He's my favorite.
Posted by Potters at 9:13 PM 1 comments
hello. summer is here. it's kinda boring but atleast there's no homework right?
Posted by Potters at 7:11 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
is the worst kid movie ever. I bawled. It was sooooooooooooo sad. It was so cute though.
Posted by Potters at 9:19 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ms. Bates gave us an evil assignment. We have to go unplugged for a whole week. No computer, no phone, no iPod, no TV. I'm going to die. I'll do it all except iPod. I might try it but I won't go a whole week without listening to it at all.
Posted by Potters at 7:35 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
so its testing. fun fun fun. we had quartet. and we have it on saturday too. we're gonna go swimming and maybe shopping and maybe bowling.
i want adam to win american idol. my two fave singers are going to be on tonight! brendon and patrick.
the missiomaries are coming. i miss elder kemble and elder douglas.
Posted by Potters at 5:16 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Hotel for dogs was cute. i love johnny simmons.
i like adam and kris for american idol.
Posted by Potters at 9:27 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Soloist is the most amazing movie ever. You must see it. It made me cry alot. It's so sad and happy and inspiring.
I love the curious case of ben button. I liked the end way more than when he was old at the beginning. It made me cry.
Now I need to see Wolverine and Star Trek
Posted by Potters at 10:17 PM 3 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I went to a jazz festival on saturday. It was fun. The morning wasn't as fun as the afternoon. We played for judges and they said we were good for just starting jazz like a month ago. My solo was okay. The judge gave me a jazz CD to listen to. Then I went to Cassie's house with Charlotte and wore Cassie's really ugly zebra skinny jeans. Then we went back to school and We did a workshop thing where we watched a bassist, pianist, drummer, saxophonist, and trombonist do improv. It was cool. The bass player was hot. He made the cutest faces while playing and he was totally jamming the whole time. And Steve Houghton played and it was amazing.He's a really good drummer I guess. The concert that night was so fun. Jazz makes me smile except slow jazz. I don't like slow jazz. The first jazz band was from Hesperia. There were really good. They had this sax player who was amazing. Then our band played and Jenine sang. I've heard those songs soooooo many times cause we would nap during jazz band practice during music man rehearsals. It was funny these random guys from one of the other bands came and hugged Jeanine during intermission. she didn't even know them. Then the fullerton jazz band played and the bass player got a solo on the electric bass. He was so cute. His glasses kept falling down his nose so he would stop really quick to put them back and then they would slip again.
Yeah so it was fun. Our piano player looked like beethoven from behind. It was so funny.
Posted by Potters at 8:27 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
Yo-Yo Ma plays the prelude from Bach´s Cello Suite No. 1
I love this song. i really want to learn to play cello so i can play this song.
Posted by Potters at 8:22 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Posted by Potters at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Hilo. I am finally getting over being sick. it hasn't been fun.
i have a new nickname for myself. book giver. jk. i've been lending books to everyone lately.
dad's running a race on saturday.
not much is going on.
Posted by Potters at 2:48 PM 5 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
I read too fast. I've read like 6 books in the past 2 weeks.
Posted by Potters at 7:18 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
They picked a frickin ugly guy to be Aro. I don't know if I'm even gonna see it now. It's gonna suck. Probably worst than the first one.
Posted by Potters at 8:14 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I'm gonna marry Jack Johnson. He seems like a pretty chill guy.
Posted by Potters at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Do you have any bands you recommend? I want some new music to listen to.
Posted by Potters at 3:39 PM 7 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My birthday wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Charlotte make a big poster that I had to carry around and Audrey brought me flowers. Catherine gave me a bag of chocolate.
I had the quartet over after practice. Kyra and Cynthia also came. we made fun of twilight. eloise threw paper at me.
mom now wants me to apologize to cynthia for my non-mormon friends behavior.
Posted by Potters at 12:18 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I performed at stake conference with a girl and a guy.This is an amazing book. Christie I think you would really like it. And Cassie. And Hunter. I need the second one. You should read it. Right now I'm reading a swedish murder mystery.
Posted by Potters at 1:33 PM 7 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
I don't know how Cassie puts up with her frickin dad and stepmom. They're evil. And I don't even live with them. I feel bad for her.
Posted by Potters at 9:26 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Our festival for orchestra was pretty good. We got two excellents and one good. That's pretty good for our first time. Of course it was the seconds the were our downfall. They are so out of tune and never practuce.
Kyra is my stand partner for music man and she sucks. She is out of tune alot. And she wants to play my part and she does higher octaves just for fun. It bugs me. I try to play loud to cover her up but then she plays louder too.
Tomorrow is our last performance. Which is kind of sad. I won't see Charlotte and Gabie and Josh and Alex as much. Well I see Charlotte and Gabie alot anyway so...
It's my birthday soon. I'm really boring. All I want is books pretty much. And some panic at the disco sheet music.
Posted by Potters at 10:00 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Rehearsal was loong. We waited for the cast to start for an hour.
Okay so Romeo and Juliet is lame because he literally talks to her for 5 minutes and swears he's in love. That night/morning he eavesdrops on her and then they talk and say they will get married. Later that morning they get married. An hour later he kills Juliets cousin and then sobs about it to the friar. The nurse comes in and is all quit being such a baby Romeo get up and talk to Juliet. Seriously Romeo cries more than Juliet. He's a man whore. Ugh he bugs me.
I love the song Still Around by 30h!3. It's amazing. And yes I do realize I say amazing too much. I also like the song Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson.
I found out my book is about zombies.
Posted by Potters at 8:13 PM 4 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I finsihed Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos. It was brilliant. I want to go to Egypt so bad now. and the second one thoeodosia and the staff of osiris is out!
Next week I will be dead. Rehearsals will end REALLY late. Wednesday i go to 1st period then a rehearsal then to a festival in redlands then back to school for the show. the show will be good so its worth it i guess.
i bought the boy who couldn't die. it sounds interesting.
have you seen i'm on a boat? you should its funny.
Posted by Potters at 8:47 PM 6 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Can I go to the concert? Please? I can ask Heidi or Hannah or someone to go with me. Please? It would be amazing...
Posted by Potters at 6:52 AM 3 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Posted by Potters at 10:57 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I saw Coraline. It's a really good movie. They added a character which was kinda weird but it was good. See it.
I finished How I Found the Perfect Dress. It was good. Hilarious. You should read it. Thank-you Cassie.
Now I'm reading Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos. Thank-you Christie.
I went on a walk on some Mount today. It was fun.
I have a gig tomorrow. We don't get paid though.
I saw Changeling. It was sad but good.
Your Inner European is Italian! |
![]() You show the world what culture really is. |
Posted by Potters at 5:05 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Another snow day.
Mom is very cranky because of her broken foot.
I finished I am the Messenger. It's very good. You should read it.
I also started and finished Why I let My hair Grow Out by Maryrose Wood. It was very good. Very funny.
Now I'm on the sequel. After that I'll read Getting the Girl also by Markus Zusak.
Every morning Lucy jumps on my bed and sleeps on my head so today I used her as a pillow.
It's not snowing anymore.
Posted by Potters at 4:47 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
I finished Eclipse. It would be my favorite if Bella wasn't so stupid at the end.
I watched Edward Scissorhands and She's the Man the other day.
It's snowing. Again.
I put David Archuletta on Dad's zune and he reacted just the way I thought he would.
I bought Lady Gaga, Build God then We'll Talk (PATD), Regina Spektor, Queen, M.I.A., Katy Perry, Apocalyptica, and Hot (Avril Lavigne)
I hate reading two books at a time. So I'm glad 'm done w/ Eclipse.
I got ino Honors Orchestra.
It's still snowing.
So how was your day?
Posted by Potters at 10:38 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Book Thief
made me cry like a baby. Why do my favorite characters always die?
Dad bought I am the Messenger for me. I've wanted to read it for a while and so far it's pretty good.
But first I have to start Eclipse so I can give it back to Charlotte. Then I have some books that Cassie gave me.
Unfortunately there is a bunch of snow.
I left 2 shirts and some jeans at Cassie's. But I have hers so we'll have to trade when I see her next.
Posted by Potters at 7:17 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I'm in Gilroy. I am reading the Book Thief. It's really good. I love Rudy. I am so excited. We're getting pizza tonight.
I have a story. Since the beginning of the year my friend liked this guy. He didn't know her though. Finally she told her friend to tell him she liked him and he said he liked her too. So they started talking and now they are going out! They are sooooooooooo cute together. It makes me happy.
Posted by Potters at 2:28 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Jacob Black
I'm dissapointed. I was really hoping they'd get some else to be Jacob but I guess they couldn't find anyone else. Jacob sucks anyway so why would someone want to play him?
Posted by Potters at 6:41 PM 4 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I watched my favorite movie yesterday at Heidi's house. She has a movie theatre so it was nice. I wish Heath Ledger didn't die.
I need to see Inkheart.
My stomach hurts sooooooooooo bad from the P.E. final. I did 47 situps and 45 pushups. I think I got a B or C. I got an A on the geometry final though.
I kind of want to see Watchmen. MCR is doing a cover of Desolation Row for it.
Has anyone read the Hunger Games? I want to read it soon....
Posted by Potters at 10:39 AM 5 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Some quotes I like
"When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies." (from Peter Pan)
Nothing more fun than an irritated grizzly bear. -Twilight
Some books shoud be tasted, some devoured but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly. - Inkheart
"We is in dream country," the BFG said. "This is where all dreams is beginning." -BFG
Faber sniffed the book. "Do you know that books smell like nutmeg or some spice from a foreign land? i loved to smell them when I was a boy." - Fahrenheit 451
There is no Frigate like a Book
To take us Lands away,
Nor any Coursers like a Page
Of prancing Poetry –
This Traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of Toll –
How frugal is the Chariot
That bears a Human soul. -Emily Dickinson
one hug can turn your day around, its like an emotional heimlich. someone puts their arms around you and they squeeze, and all of your fear and anxiety come shooting out of your mouth and you can breathe again. -pushing daisies
Posted by Potters at 5:04 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
So I am doing the music man. I'm first violin out of two violins. It's really hard and rehearsals are long. I keep going to the chiropractor and my back hurts now. he cracked my back. I went on this massager machine which hurt. The other one didn't hurt as bad it jsut felt kind of weird. Finals are next week. Half days! I finished Inkheart. It was sooooo good. You should read it. I'm reading Inkspell now. So is Cassie. It's weird we have the same book and the same chapstick! I want to see Bride Wars. And Valkyrie. And confessions of a shopaholic.
Posted by Potters at 8:28 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Inkdeath was sooooooooooooooooo good. You definitely should read it. I'm sooooooooooooooooo sad it was the last book. It was kind of sad with Meggie Farid and Doria. I won't tell you exactly. But no one reads this anyway. Violante was a good character. I don't really like Elinor though.
I watched prince Caspian. I love that movie. I love the song The Call by Regina Spektor.
We had a quartet gig but Cassie wasn't there so Jennie played. She sucked. No offense.
I want to see Valkyrie and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
Inkheart the movie looks bad. The actors are horrible. I hate Brendon Fraser. The lady playing Elinor is the oppposite of how she's supposed to look. She's supposed to be fat not all bones. And she's supposed to be proper but her clothes look really strange. So do Meggie's. I don't like her either. Maybe it will be a good movie but my hopes aren't high. Dustfinger looks ok. He's He's one of my favoritest characters.
Posted by Potters at 3:52 PM 6 comments