Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fave's of the day

Fave person of the day: Andy Samberg
Why: He's amazing
Fave Song: Oh Glory!~Brendon and Spencer. I guess they are still called Panic at the disco but maybe they should just be panic disco cause ryan and jon were what glued them together. they were the at and the the lol
Why: Brendon is...indescribable. there's not a word that explains how amazing he is.
fave word:amazing
why:amazing is the only adjective i know which is why i say it so much
fave fictional character of the day: sam gamgee
why:he's amazing, and adorable and sweet as pie

p.s. i don't think i have ever said sweet as pie before.


Christie said...

Good faves. I agree that losing half the band merits losing half the band name. And Sam Gamgee rocks. How'd he get to be your favorite?

mc said...

just that day he was my favorite today my favorite is farid from inkheart.