Friday, March 6, 2009

Rehearsal was loong. We waited for the cast to start for an hour.

Okay so Romeo and Juliet is lame because he literally talks to her for 5 minutes and swears he's in love. That night/morning he eavesdrops on her and then they talk and say they will get married. Later that morning they get married. An hour later he kills Juliets cousin and then sobs about it to the friar. The nurse comes in and is all quit being such a baby Romeo get up and talk to Juliet. Seriously Romeo cries more than Juliet. He's a man whore. Ugh he bugs me.

I love the song Still Around by 30h!3. It's amazing. And yes I do realize I say amazing too much. I also like the song Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson.

I found out my book is about zombies.


Christie said...

I love that you called Romeo a man whore. It's true, isn't it? It's a very silly play.

Anonymous said...

yup so true

Serena Potter said...

Okay MaCall, read this page, have Cassie (quartet Cassie) read it too. Read all the way to the bottom! Then tell me what you think.

cassie[carnivore] said...

I want a zombie book.