Monday, June 2, 2008

So much to say...not really

My mouth hurts. I got spacers. They are blue rubber bands that they wedged between my teeth. It didn't really hurt that bad even less after. Then I ate..or tried to eat. It took me about 20 minutes to finish one piece of pizza. It hurt. Guess what!! I read the first chapter of Breaking Dawn. I read it at Ralphs and almost bumped into a few people. If you don't want to know what happens don't read the next paragraph.

Bella gets a new car and his hasn't come out in Europe or America yet so these guys are gawking at her. It is missile-proof and is very fast. She is reminiscing about when she told Charlie about the engagement because the wedding is in a few days. Charlie didn't die like she thought he would when they tell him. It goes better than she thought it would. Charlie just starts laughing because she has to tell Renee. Renee already knows because after their visit in April she can tell that they are a couple. Then Bella thinks about stuff and gets fitted for her wedding dress by Alice.

You can read now. I named my egg baby Alice. She is so adorable. I lost her for a few hours but I found her. A lot of people forgot their babies in their parents car. What horrible parents. I only lost mine when she was sleeping. :) Taylor Swift has such a pretty voice on Teardrops on my guitar. She is pretty. In English we had a freewrite on who we would look like if we could look like anyone for a project for the FBI or something. Mrs. Pohlman said she would look like Emily Dickinson or Gwen Stefani. It was hilarious. I said people like Keira Knightley. I think I said Emmy Rossum, Natalie Portman and I don't know who else. Amy Adams is pretty in Enchanted. I would be Belle or Ariel. I love Disney Princesses. They sing and dance and are nice and pretty. How fun. :) My teeth really really hurt. I don't even have braces yet! I get braces on the top on the 23rd. 4 days after school ends. No more math hw for the rest of the year. Hwo great. Kira and I talked about the Narnia movie whenever I talked to her. I want to take Eloise to see it because I won't be there for her birthday. Kira will chaperone us. :) I don't know why I keep doing smiley faces. I want to see Iron Man and the batman movie. Batman looks scary, but good. Heath Ledger looks scary. That's sad he died. I have to practice. Even when I'm in pain. I'm exscited the quartetto di suona has 3 concerts soon. One on the 7, the 10th, and the 221st. I am SO nervous for the wedding. I hope Megan thinks we are good are didn't just hire us because she knows me. We are playing somewhere in time. I don't like that song. Well, I don't don't like it but it makes you want to cry. I haven't even seen the movie and it makes you sad. Dad knows really weird things about movies in the 70's. I have to go. My teeth HURT. they are getting worse I think. Eclipse special edition has a poster of Breaking dawn. grr. I want it. I am borrowing Eclipse from Michele even though I'm not allowed to read it. Holidays and pain days...maybe dentist pain counts too. :)


Dulce Vazquez said...

Ironman was soooooo good. I loved it. Remember when we used to tlk about the phantom of the opera all the time? Then Carissa got mad at us b/c she hasn't seen it? Good times.

R.I.P. Heath Ledger

Anonymous said...

i still love phantom