was interesting. The special-effects make-up guy was the coolest. He does the Geico caveman commercials. He has done alot of movies too including John Travolta in hairspray and he made the Chucky doll. He is doing monsters in the movie Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler. It was cool. We got to pick 5 different careers. I picked journalist, make-up, flight attendent, investigator but I didn't get into it. Then I was put in vet and graphic artist. They were my extra ones. Vet was boring. Graphic artist just did the sides of vans, cars, racecars and trucks.
Alice is adorable. I got her a bottle. Alexis thinks I'm going over board. She thinks Kira and I are mean because we couldn't stop laughing when she dropped her egg and it died. It was hilarious. Poor Mandie is banned from youtube. Her mom blocked it off of their computer. She's not supposed to go on myspace either but her mom doesn't know she has an account so it's not blocked. Almost everything on Cynthia's compurter is blocked. Quartet practice was yesterday. Quartet days are fun. We ride to school together and listen to our quartet songs. They are not string songs. We always listen to obladi oblda by the beatles. We listen to my chemical romance alot. Our song used to be teenagers. Gerard Way's voice is great on I'm not okay. Gabie and Charlotte love when he says clean in teenagers. I am watching Hello Dolly! in choir. It's pretty good. Enmtertaining...Michael Crawford is in it. I'm listening to a great song. Timeless to me from hairspray. I love it. John Travolta's funny. I was talking to some girl at the high school who said I have an angel face. We were both waiting so we talked for a while. She said I should join choir in high school because it's great. I want to but I can't fit it in my schedule. I'm listening to hairspray songs. I want the soundtrack...Zac Efron is great in hairspray :) So is James Mardsen.

MaCall, PLEASE tell me you don't like Zac Efron...
Make-up would be a really cool job, actually. Think of all the things you can do. I do journalism, and I'm here to tell you that it's not as exciting as it seems. Lots of sitting in front of the computer messing with words and trying not to offend people.
And you do have an angel face. I imagine it would suit you very well if you were to turn to a life of crime. ;)
if you did make up for movies you could meet famous people!
zac efron?please.it's all about ben barnes.
i used to LOVE zac. he's hot but eh. ben barnes... :)
why do they all smoke? maybe that's why i liked zac...pretty voice
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