Tuesday, June 3, 2008

13 days left...

Anyone read it? I haven't. Jane Goodall recommended it. Maybe I'll read it.

My baby Alice is so cute. Sure I lost her yesterday but I found her. She's cute. Kira loves her.
I haven't eaten much today. It's hard to eat. The Segalla's are coming for dinner. Brother Segalla is my Sunday school teacher. He is a really good teacher.
Alexis is so mean. She asked out my friend Andrew for me. I don't even like him. They make fun of me for being friends with him. Alexis always hugs alot of guys in the morning. There are all these mormon boys following her in the morning before school. It's funny for Kira and me to watch.
Isabel's cat died. It's sad. I like the song Face Down by red jumpsuit apparatus. I'm listening to the panic at the disco station on pandora. It has some good stuff. They play panic and stuff like them.
Obama is going to win the democratic thing. Kira had a dream that a shark attacked her. It sounded really scary. She's had the dream a few times. She dies alot in her dreams. But then she gets saved by someone and falls in love. She gets shot alot by arrows and guns and stuff. It's weird.


Christie said...

I haven't read it yes, but I've got it on reserve at the library. It sounds like a good one.

Your friends are funny. Have the one who dies in her dreams use a dream dictionary. It may help.

cassie[carnivore] said...

OMGSH thats the book i want but the dont have it at b+n!!!

Serena Potter said...

I think the dream dictionary will say "raging hormones".