Friday, June 27, 2008


The Youth Camp Out at Lake Silverwood was very fun. We swam all day. We got there at 8. We went on the bishop and 1st counselor(of the bishopric)'s boats. We went tubing which was fun. It was fast and scary bbut fun. I sat on the boat alot so my legs and shoulders are sunburnt. Hence the title Ouch. Bro. Robbins drove a boat and managed to get everyone off on thewir turn of tubing. I so didn't want to fall in so I held on really tight. I managed not to fall off. Even though they gave me the bad side. Christie, more story please, thank-you. SYTYCD is a great show. Katee and Joshua are my fave couple. Tabitha and Napolean are the best coreographers. They did my fave dances. Last weeks Bleeding Love one with Chelsea and Mark and then No Air with Katee and Joshua. K&J always do a great job. I found out I don't really like Papaya.


Christie said...

I'll get more to you once I'm done editing. I've got the chapters all marked up, so now I've just got to type them. Look for them today or tomorrow. :)