Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hellooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow I am going to my friend Julia's house to go swimming. It will be fun. Except that a girl named Claire is coming, and she is really mean to me. I don't see why. My room is so clean it is freaky. Well I got to go.
Posted by Potters at 7:30 PM 7 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
Posted by Potters at 9:15 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wicked Awesome
Posted by Potters at 11:06 AM 4 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
I can play Black Parade on the piano. How awesome is that? But you know what's not awesome? Braces. Yeah, I got them today. My teeth won't see the light for two years. They are neon green and annoying. You have no idea(unless you've had braces) how annoying and uncomfortable they are. It doesn't hurt to get them put on. My lip has a sore on it from rubbing against them. I can only drink shakes and yogurt. That's ok with me. I like chocolate shakes and strawberry yogurt. I am sooo excited to see Wicked tomorrow. I'm going to Mandie's house before to dress up and stuff. Today I was 55 on wii fitness. Yesterday I was 48. I guess it's true that we get older everyday. Dad is younger than me. Lucky he is still 35. He's even younger than himself. I saw Surf's Up. It looked unbelievably stupid but it was good. I liked it. Some people do not like the fact that I joined myspace. It's fun because I get to talk to my friends. I will talk later. Maybe pics will come, maybe they won't.
Posted by Potters at 6:43 PM 3 comments
is so good. I loved it. The mango is really good. I got mango and raspberries on the the original. Yum. I wish we had a pinkberry by us.
Posted by Potters at 12:22 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
so busy
i woke up at about 11. Then I had quartet practice at 1.00. Then we went straight to our concert in Tavern Bay, Lake Arrowhead at 3.00. We started playing at 3.30. It was so windy that our music was flying everywhere. We brougfht clips and they helped but still. It's good we have practiced so much. We have stuff almost memorized so we managed. We finished at 4.30. Then we followed Gabie and Trevor(her boyfriend) around and spied on them. He came and brought her flowers. Charlotte got very sunburned. Then we went to the church for Megan's wedding reception. We played from 6.00 to 7.00. It went well. My back hurt so bad and I was thirsty. Sis. Washburn, Megan's mom told us we couldn't play Eleanor Rigby. I asked twice and she said it was about lonely people so I couldn't play it. Then Bro. Washburn said he loved that song so we ended up playing it anyway. Then we went to the village to watch a Young Dubliners concert. Cassie's friend Keira followed us around all day. At the village there was this guy dressed up as a pirate and he was smoking. When Keira walked by he took off his hat for her. It was so funny. Keira was wearing a red plaid skirt, blue leggings and a tan shirt. She's kind of emo. This guy in a kilt came up to her and was like nice skirt. Weird guys kept talking to her. Lucy is attacking moths on the window right now. Guess what. I got a wii. it's so fun. My friend Hannah has a wii too. I got my report card. I managed to get a 4.0 last year and this year. Cassie told people we were from the middle school whenever they asked. Charlotte and I kept reminding her that we weren't from the middle school. I want to see Kira. We are staying at my aunt Heidi's house on Sunday. El is there now. It's sad El didn't go to the wedding. Megan was pretty and El's friends were there. talk later
Posted by Potters at 9:00 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
schools out for summer. i'm not sure why i'm not excited. maybe because i won't see my best friend until july. kiras birthday is tomorrow. i have to go to graduation now.
Posted by Potters at 2:45 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A Poem
I have a rash on my face that won't go away. I memorized a poem.
Natures first green is gold,
her hardest hue to hold,
her early leafs a flower
but only so an hour
then leaf subsides to leaf
so eden sank to grief
so dawn goes down to day
nothing gold can stay.
Stay gold Ponyboy, stay gold. It's from the Outsiders. I like it. I had a concert today which went well all except our last song which was totally messed up. They were playing panic at the disco and my chemical romance when I got to the concert. the orchestra kids got to stay at school and have a party. Then we had practice at Mrs. Bass's house. Nobody was home but we could go in and practice. She came later. Isabel was in Utah last week but was at school today! finally. I'm singing at high school graduation. For make-up work because I missed a concert for choir. we're singing For Good. My fave song from Wicked. i am getting braces monday but they delay alot so might not. kira said she was getting braces a month ago but they had to do more wires more pulling on her teeth and so on. i hope it doesn't hurt. not likely. Sierra is going to read Twilight. I saw another girl reading it and hugging it.
Posted by Potters at 10:10 PM 9 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
this is incorrect
You Are a Pegasus |
![]() You are a perfectionist, with an eye for beauty. You know how to live a good life - and you rarely deviate from your good taste. While you aren't outgoing, you have excellent social skills. People both admire you - and feel very comfortable around you. |
Posted by Potters at 5:51 PM 6 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Great Book
Posted by Potters at 3:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
High School Musical 3

I scraped my head and hands and knees up today. Don't ask how. It hurt though. Well after it happened I just started shaking and laughing. HSM 3 comes out on my friends birthday. She doesn't really like HSM though. I wonder what they will sing at graduation. ;) I have no idea why the video's won't work lately. Weird. Well, look up the Pork and Beans video on youtube. It's great. It has that guy who lipsynched to numa numa. And it has the peanut butter jelly banana thing. Also look up the mad as rabitts video. I love it. madlibs with Brendon and Ryan was funny. Ryan is funny... :)
Posted by Potters at 8:32 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Gnarly Gnarwhales
My new band the Gnarly Gnarwhales has new songs. If you want them I get email them to you. Email me at if you want to hear our songs. The band is actually Mike and me. We just recorded Black Orpheus for our CD the banana slugs. :) JK
Posted by Potters at 9:45 PM 1 comments
what the heck. some people are destroyingm my medow. my happy place. this is not nice. who cares about fire hazards.
Posted by Potters at 4:41 PM 3 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Chasing Redbird
Posted by Potters at 6:34 PM 4 comments
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The Queen of the Night - The great Luciana Serra
wow. One of my fave songs peformed pretty well.
Posted by Potters at 3:25 PM 4 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
Today was the ren faire and a field trip so there were about 10 people in each of my classes. I can't believe we actually had to watch a video when so many people were gone. They should have to suffer too. It was teenage father. It was so old it was funny. I went to Mandie's house and she tried to get me to play Like a Boy by Ciara on her Dad's violin. It was so out of tune that I couldn't do it. The pegs suck. They wouldn't stay at all. Why does Ciara always have to spell her name in her songs? I guess it's good practice for her. Maybe she forgets... :) Mandie lent me a CD. It has some good stuff. 4 minutes, L.O.V.E, I don't really like lean like a chollo though. :) Rachel(Mandie's freshman sister)and I had a fun conversation about Twilight. She loves the books. She drew Robert Pattinson for art. She loves him too. She thinks Taylkor Lautner is hot though. Yuck. She likes Rob better though. Who wouldn't? Emmy Rossum's CD was a dissapointment. It's hilarious to listen to lol. lol is fun to say because it annoys people. lol. :) I have been acting weird. I keep doing smiley faces. I really don't know why. Mandie's favorite word or phrase is 'I'm legit'. Aidan says it alot. That's why she likes it. He also says jk lol. I'm not supposed to tell this stuff. She reads the blog occasionally. I think she's okay with it. I don't know why I like the song No Air. I usually don't like that type of music. I'm eating pasta! I can't wait. The best day of my life so far is coming up soon. I'm seeing wicked on the 24th. I get braces on the 23rd...
Posted by Potters at 10:06 PM 3 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
1st scene
The first completed scene of twilight was on It is nothing like the book really. This guy who is playing James is very disappointing. I couldn't stop laughing during the scene because it is so wrong. Sorry to post so much.
Posted by Potters at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Career Day

Posted by Potters at 4:54 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
13 days left...
Anyone read it? I haven't. Jane Goodall recommended it. Maybe I'll read it.
Posted by Potters at 4:32 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
So much to say...not really
My mouth hurts. I got spacers. They are blue rubber bands that they wedged between my teeth. It didn't really hurt that bad even less after. Then I ate..or tried to eat. It took me about 20 minutes to finish one piece of pizza. It hurt. Guess what!! I read the first chapter of Breaking Dawn. I read it at Ralphs and almost bumped into a few people. If you don't want to know what happens don't read the next paragraph.
Bella gets a new car and his hasn't come out in Europe or America yet so these guys are gawking at her. It is missile-proof and is very fast. She is reminiscing about when she told Charlie about the engagement because the wedding is in a few days. Charlie didn't die like she thought he would when they tell him. It goes better than she thought it would. Charlie just starts laughing because she has to tell Renee. Renee already knows because after their visit in April she can tell that they are a couple. Then Bella thinks about stuff and gets fitted for her wedding dress by Alice.
You can read now. I named my egg baby Alice. She is so adorable. I lost her for a few hours but I found her. A lot of people forgot their babies in their parents car. What horrible parents. I only lost mine when she was sleeping. :) Taylor Swift has such a pretty voice on Teardrops on my guitar. She is pretty. In English we had a freewrite on who we would look like if we could look like anyone for a project for the FBI or something. Mrs. Pohlman said she would look like Emily Dickinson or Gwen Stefani. It was hilarious. I said people like Keira Knightley. I think I said Emmy Rossum, Natalie Portman and I don't know who else. Amy Adams is pretty in Enchanted. I would be Belle or Ariel. I love Disney Princesses. They sing and dance and are nice and pretty. How fun. :) My teeth really really hurt. I don't even have braces yet! I get braces on the top on the 23rd. 4 days after school ends. No more math hw for the rest of the year. Hwo great. Kira and I talked about the Narnia movie whenever I talked to her. I want to take Eloise to see it because I won't be there for her birthday. Kira will chaperone us. :) I don't know why I keep doing smiley faces. I want to see Iron Man and the batman movie. Batman looks scary, but good. Heath Ledger looks scary. That's sad he died. I have to practice. Even when I'm in pain. I'm exscited the quartetto di suona has 3 concerts soon. One on the 7, the 10th, and the 221st. I am SO nervous for the wedding. I hope Megan thinks we are good are didn't just hire us because she knows me. We are playing somewhere in time. I don't like that song. Well, I don't don't like it but it makes you want to cry. I haven't even seen the movie and it makes you sad. Dad knows really weird things about movies in the 70's. I have to go. My teeth HURT. they are getting worse I think. Eclipse special edition has a poster of Breaking dawn. grr. I want it. I am borrowing Eclipse from Michele even though I'm not allowed to read it. Holidays and pain days...maybe dentist pain counts too. :)
Posted by Potters at 8:19 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I saw Prince Caspian!!!! It was so good. I loved it. I need to see it again though because I had trouble concentrating. Mandie hit me most of the time. We byelled at the screen alot too. Mandie kept talking to me during the movie and was just like SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!! She bit me. On the hand. It hurt. I hit her alot too because she wouldn't stop hitting me. I loved the beginning of the movie. 1. because Caspian rides his horse in the forest and because that's just so cool 2. because Mandie hadn't started hitting me yet. Through the whole movie Mandie kept yelling oh he's so hot! It was funny. We were pretty loud. I don't think the people around us enjoying the yelling. When Caspian had the chance to kill Miraz and didn't we alln yelled. That was frustrating for me to have him have the chance and miss it. I really liked the Phyllis parts. Kira thought Peter dislocating his shoulder was hilarious when Edmund popped it bvack in. I didn't that was funny. I saw the movie with Mandie, Savannah and Isabel. Isabel and I loved Caspian and Edmund. Mandie loved Caspian, Edmund and Peter. She poked me alot saying Caspian's so hot. Look at that bod. Ooh look at Peter. Oh Edmund is hot. Mandie's funny. Savannah probably liked Caspian. I don't know if she liked Peter or Edmund. Kira loves Edmund. I don't get why she doesn't like Caspian.
I bought mad as rabitts. I love the song. So much. Church was good. Kristina had a baby! She's so cute. Her name is Korinne. She smiles alot. Her blessing was today. Yesterday was the pie party at church. I played outside with charcoal. I'm dying to read the forst chapter of Breaking Dawn. It came out yesterday. Hannah got to go down the mountain to read it. So lucky. I guess Bella tells Charlie they are getting married. Charlie's reaction is hilarious. Hannah told me. I better not spoiol anything else for you today. I can tell you more if you want to hear it. :)
Posted by Potters at 1:42 PM 5 comments