I am sick. I have a bad cold. It doesn't feel good. I stayed home today. I slept in to 11:30 but Dad woke me up. I could have slept longer. Lucy my cat slept either above my head or on my head all morning. I had a dream that I was getting married but I couldn't remember who I was getting married to. In the dream I was thinking 'well this is a dream so I guess I'll see who I'm getting married to when it happens' I woke up so I didn't get to see. At one point I remembered I was getting married to Jared from The Host. (Today is the book signing and Paula is going to try to get my book signed. Cynthia is going to be scarred for life because she can't go. Atleast that is what she thinks. We told her there will be other times) Then I had another dream that I was at this castle place and Prince Caspian saved me from something. I don't know. I have strange dreams. They are always entertaining. I was watching these behind-the-scences videos from Twilight and it looks so lame. They chose really stupid costumes and actors. The 'nomadic vampires' look SO lame. The movie is going to ruin it. I hope people read it and realize the book is way better than the movie will be. It is hailing. Big hail. It has been hailing all morning. People's roofs are white. It was 80 at the beginning of the week and now its hailing. It makes me sad. I watched Northanger Abbey today. I love that movie. It is so cute. My feet are cold.
Think of beaches, sun and short sleeves. Cassie I want my blue hollister shirt and other blue shirt back ASAP. Please and thank-you.
I finished my holocaust project finally! I'm going to read The Book Thief soon. It sounds good. Kaitlin is reading it. What a coincidence. My iPod is in the car. Mom and Dad and El aren't home. So I can't get it. Even if they were home. I'm not going out in the hail in my condition. I am sort of dizzy.

I'm so jealous.Seriously,I am.
Oh and...
If you want your shirts you need to fly here and get them:)I think they are super duper cute.Eloise left her
skirt here bytheway.
please give them back!!!!!!!!
send them back by tuesday or else
okay okay.don't get mad at me....what is your address?
ask your mom
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