Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Prince Caspian

I want to see it soooooooooo bad. Kira saw it. She loved it. Once she made fun of me for saying Skandar wasn't that bad looking. Now she loves him. She used to like William but she said he's a jerk in the movie. She thinks Ben Barnes is ugly. I have no idea why. Kira was like 'he's so hot and I love his name.' He does have a pretty nice name. Skandar, Skandar, Skandar. That's a cool name. She loves him now. We have a club. jk...Alexis, Savannah and I called the rejection hotline at lunch the other day. It was hilarious. This guy is like you have been REJECTED. It was hilarious. It says press one for consoling poetry, 2 for a joke to raise your spirits...6 to find out why you got this number if you still don't understand. It was so funny. We called for fun because Alexis mentioned giving it to some people. Poor Johnine slipped in a huge puddle while running. She flew in the air and landed on her back in the mud. I felt so bad for her. I like the song song teardrops on my guitar. it's catchy. Mandie sang it at Mountain Idol. I got the song for her. Then I let her sing it. I love claire de lune. It's so pretty. Quadratic Equations are not that hard but confusing. Lucy, my cat, loves me. She has been following me around lately. She keeps jumping up on my bed and visting me. Monday night was great. I sat in bed listening to phantom of the opera and reading twilight. I love phantom and twilight. They are both wonderful and my fave's. Fun..............


cassie[carnivore] said...

she didnt think caspian is cute?

Skandar is an awesome name.
skandelous skandar

Anonymous said...

Ben Barnes isnt cute. The producers have made a mistake. Its Skandar thats the hot actor. Shouls have used him on the psoter more.

Christie said...

MaCall, do you have a livejournal?

And Skander is the best. He and Ben Barnes totally made the movie for me. I feel like a dirty old lady for admitting that.

Anonymous said...

who is this anonymous?

Anonymous said...

yes I do. malaiaflower. I looked you up on LJ.

Christie said...

Ah, you've discovered my secret fandom domain. Very good. I'll friend you and trust you not to tease me. :P

Anonymous said...

i love skandar