Thursday, May 22, 2008

PARAMORE: That's What You Get

Is it just me or is it strange to have snow in the middle of May? I come to school this morning with a bad cold and find it is snowing. Just my luck.
My friend is very mad because she was going to go to a Stephenie Meyer book signing tomorrow but now her Dad won't let her because one morning she felt sick and only had 5 minutes to get ready when her Dad said she couldn't go to the signing if she didn't get on the bus. She tried starving herself yesterday but gave up because she said she needed the strength if she was going to walk to LaJolla. Now she thinks she will take the bus or try to sneak into her Mom's car. Her mom is going and giving a ride to Kaitlin. I hope they can get my book signed.

P.S. I love this song. Isn't Hayley pretty in this video? I love her hair and make-up.