Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I'm practiocally bouncing in my seat. I wonder what people must think. 6 more classses to go. Grrrrrr. There is a bee or something in here. Mohit emailed me. Its weird. Whenever I go to the computer lab he emails me. He lives in Texas now. He says its hot. I want to start screaming and run o0ut of the room. That would be fun. Chance dyed his hair back. I guess before I mocved here his hair was dyed blonde for fun. Now its dark brown./ Almost black but not quite. I don't really fit in with Isabel and Chance. I always wear blue and they always wear black or brown or gray. Its always more fun to talk with them than other people though. Charlotte got mad at me for writing in pen on my music. Itrs just a copy so it doesn't matter. She wasn't really mad. She kept cooeing over the cat guita that was drinking out of the sink. She thought it was hillarious. Gabbie, Cassie, Mrs Bass and Cassie's mom just kind of looked at her. She doesn't have a cat so she thought it was so cute that the cat was cleaning itself on the counter. A few more minutes of class. Bye. Typing is helping me stop jumping around. I don't have much to say about the holocaust. I've already said it. Our project, a diary, is due next friday. Next period is science. yuck. uh-oh. we have a test and I don't know anything about astronomy. health I'm okay. In healyth qwe just talk about decision making. stupid. bye now. this is the logest posty I've done ina while. My jitteryness helps me type faster. I bought tthat's what you get by paramore! Its on my ipod after nine in the afternoon and martydom. then its the chili peppers.


Anonymous said...

What a strange and rambling post. You are too funny!
Love you!

Christie said...

Patience, young grasshopper. Teachers don't like having to peel their students off the ceiling. Makes them work overtime. :)

You are funny, you know? Hope you have a great day!

cassie[carnivore] said...

nine in the afternoon is the best.

Anonymous said...

Edward Cullen replied to your blog? What lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

edward cullen aka. franz potter

cassie[carnivore] said...

how disappointing.i actually thought it was edward....

Anonymous said...

sorry for the dissapointment.

Anonymous said...

I thought maybe he was checking in on his biggest fan! :) I'm 3/4 through Twilight and I LOVE it - I can't put it down!