5 voices you love:
Brenden Urie
Gerard Butler
Gerard Way
Ryan Ross
Josh Groban
billie joe armstrong(sorry I can't stop at 5)
5 songs you love:
Music of the night- phantom of the opera
Mad as rabitts by panic at the disco
wake me up when september ends by green day
that green gentleman by panic at the disco
Concerto in Fa maggiore #288 by vivaldi
5 albums you have on your iPod:
Phantom of the opera
High school musical
high school musical 2
Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana 2 (I should get rid of hannahI don't listen to her i skip her)
5 albums you want:
Pretty. Odd.!!!!!!!!!!
Hairspray movie soundtrack
the new weezer cd
pirates of the caribbean 3
i don't know hmmmmmmmm... high school musical 3!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Posted by Potters at 8:32 PM 6 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Cassidy is gone. I didn't even get to say good-bye. Now I can't go to one of my best friends birthday party for a violin lesson. I had a dream that we were reinacting World War 2 and we were being bombed. It was scary. Then after we were done being bombed we went to the beach. Then I invited Hannah to go to the beach with me the next day. It was like a friday I think. Then It skipped Saturday and was Sunday so Hannah couldn't swim on a sunday. When I told Hannah I had this dream she was like oh, I had a dream about you too. You were a dog and I was reading to you. I was like, um okay. We start egg babies in science soon. We have to make and decorate the hollow eggs over the weekend. Strating monday we can't let the egg out of our sight unless we have a babysitter which we can only have 3 hours a day. Kira wrote I love Skandar Keynes all over my folder. I have a Kira corner on my folder so she's allowed to write whatever. Except I didn't want her to write I love William Moseley because I don't. Skandar I don't really mind. I have been listening to West Side Story lately. I love it. SO does Isabel and Alexis. I can't go to Isabel's party. That makes me so sad. I wonder who is going...Probably Chance, maybe Cynthia or Alexis. I don't have homework except I have to get a picture of Skandar for Kira. Guess what! Kira got braces but then they took them off and put the rubber bands back on. She was mad. She went through all that pain for nothing. I get my spacers monday. how exciting.
Posted by Potters at 3:53 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Prince Caspian
Posted by Potters at 4:03 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Posted by Potters at 3:56 PM 4 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008

Posted by Potters at 3:25 PM 6 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
PARAMORE: That's What You Get
Is it just me or is it strange to have snow in the middle of May? I come to school this morning with a bad cold and find it is snowing. Just my luck.
My friend is very mad because she was going to go to a Stephenie Meyer book signing tomorrow but now her Dad won't let her because one morning she felt sick and only had 5 minutes to get ready when her Dad said she couldn't go to the signing if she didn't get on the bus. She tried starving herself yesterday but gave up because she said she needed the strength if she was going to walk to LaJolla. Now she thinks she will take the bus or try to sneak into her Mom's car. Her mom is going and giving a ride to Kaitlin. I hope they can get my book signed.
P.S. I love this song. Isn't Hayley pretty in this video? I love her hair and make-up.
Posted by Potters at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
berry or apple pie?
This Saturday was pie day for the young women. We started at 9 am and made 80 apple pie's. I did the tops of the pie's. Then we did about 20 or 30 berry pie's. I wasn't there for about 50 of the berry pie's because I had to leave early. The pie thing was fun. After we were done and waiting for more ingredients I played with Heidi and Mandie. Heidi and I were trying to get the volleyball away from Mandie. Me and Mandie beat eachother up. It hurt. It was fun. She kept smacking me so I kept smacking her back and then I almoist got the volleyball and we banged our heads together. She got hurt worst than me. It was fun because I don't get to see Heidi alot because her parents travel alot. The we dropped our rabitt off at my friend Hannah's house. We drove to Oceanside which was pretty. I want to live by the ocean. The WHOLE time everyone made fun of my hair. It was annoying. It's not fun for me to have to go two days with people non-stop dissing my hair. They haven't seen the worst. Saturday night was horrible. I never sleep well when I have to sleep with Eloise. She rolled on top of me, punched me in her sleep and refused to move over. I lay at the end of the bed for a little bit. I didn't sleep much. I was tired but I couldn't sleep. Sunday we walked to the beach and went to Camp Pendleton. It was hot. We also went to a mission.
Cynthia gave the Host back. She loved it. It is Isabel's b-day Monday. She wants a CD or an action figure. Where do I get action figures? I might take her to a movie. I can't wait to see Twilight to see if it will be lame, really lame, ok, good, horrible, or great. I think it will be kind of lame. The guy Kellan Lutz or something. He plays Emmett. He really bugs me. He's horrible for the part. He's one of the things that will make the movie lame.
Testing is over!!!!!!!! Science testing was today. I guessed on most of it. Mrs. Bass didn't teach us that stuff. Alot of it was math related. Science is my least favorite class. It is boring. We are just doing health right now. We have been learning alot about decision making and self-esteem. We just made posters on disorders. Our group had phobias. These girls who sit in front of me in science put deoderant on a piece of gum and gave it to their friend. She thought it was gross. They didn't tell her that they put it on there. She was surprised.
I just watched Enchanted. I love that movie. I like to randomly quote it at times. 'You are.. are.. not a very nice old man!' That's one of my fave parts. Charlotte is mad at me because I kept laughing that her shirt was yellow. She is not a very yellow person usually. We pretend to be mad at eachother alot. It's fun. Wow I wrote alot. I wonder if anyone will read this far ot just give up?
Posted by Potters at 6:22 PM 3 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
wow is it hot. It was in the 90's to 100's all day. It's 95 in Oceanside where we stayed. It was 102 in San Bernardino.
I found this video. It's great. It's so weird how it matches up with the song perfectly. My fave part is when the song says 'with an assist from me to be who you'll be instead of dreary who you were well are'
Posted by Potters at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
the host
I don't know what to say. Well, first of all I haven't finished yet. Maybe ten more chapters. I'm almost done. I think there are 59 chapters. I'm on 52. So 7. At first I was loving it. It was great. It really is a great book. It's turned really sad at this point. I have cried many times reading this book. I guess that means its good.
I do think Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Stewart are great for their parts judging by looks.
My hands are cold.
Testing begins today. I feel sick just thinking about it.
Posted by Potters at 7:55 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Host
The Host is really good. It's about alien soul things that take over Earth and kill off the human race. The take over peoples bodies and then people surrender their minds over. Melanie refuses to surrender and the soul that took over her body is annoyed with her. Melanie loves Jared and so does the soul (Wanderer) because she feels whatever Melanie's body feels. Its cool. You should read it. There is a big Twilight fan club at church. Most of the beehives and some of my dad's people . He teaches the teachers in young men. 15 yearold guys who like twilight. I think itsa that's kind of weird but oh well.
Baked beans are pretty good when you think about it. I can't wait for Twilight (the movie). My friends think it will be terrible. I used to think so but now I think it will be pretty good. The trailer is pretty good. Cassie, I loved the video on your blog. How cute. The other day Mandie cxame over. We traded jeans and wore them to school. She liked mine because they are hollister. I liked hers because they were skinny jeans. For my holocaust project I am doing a diary. Like Anne Frank. It is due next friday!! Help.
Tomorrow I am skipping school for my choir trip. I'm only going to the concert. Then I'll ditch and hangout with Savannah. Actually the rest of the poeple are going to knotts berry farm and staying the night at the disney hotel. I'm not going because I was too lazy to raise the money. I have to pay my own way to girls camp so I didn't want to raise money for more than that. Mandie is excited because she will be hanging out with Aidan at Knotts. Not the new Aidan that everyone used to like. He has long dark hair and side bangs that cover half of his face. Mandie likes him because of his hair. He wears hollister almost everyday. That's why she was excited to wear my hollister jeans. I've been writing alot lately.
Posted by Potters at 6:40 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I'm practiocally bouncing in my seat. I wonder what people must think. 6 more classses to go. Grrrrrr. There is a bee or something in here. Mohit emailed me. Its weird. Whenever I go to the computer lab he emails me. He lives in Texas now. He says its hot. I want to start screaming and run o0ut of the room. That would be fun. Chance dyed his hair back. I guess before I mocved here his hair was dyed blonde for fun. Now its dark brown./ Almost black but not quite. I don't really fit in with Isabel and Chance. I always wear blue and they always wear black or brown or gray. Its always more fun to talk with them than other people though. Charlotte got mad at me for writing in pen on my music. Itrs just a copy so it doesn't matter. She wasn't really mad. She kept cooeing over the cat guita that was drinking out of the sink. She thought it was hillarious. Gabbie, Cassie, Mrs Bass and Cassie's mom just kind of looked at her. She doesn't have a cat so she thought it was so cute that the cat was cleaning itself on the counter. A few more minutes of class. Bye. Typing is helping me stop jumping around. I don't have much to say about the holocaust. I've already said it. Our project, a diary, is due next friday. Next period is science. yuck. uh-oh. we have a test and I don't know anything about astronomy. health I'm okay. In healyth qwe just talk about decision making. stupid. bye now. this is the logest posty I've done ina while. My jitteryness helps me type faster. I bought tthat's what you get by paramore! Its on my ipod after nine in the afternoon and martydom. then its the chili peppers.
Posted by Potters at 9:43 AM 8 comments
I'm dying! I'm at school right now so I can't see the Twilight trailer. Maybe I can go home sick. I have to see it now or I'll die of anticipation. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
P.S. The host is kind of confusing. Cynthia and Kaitlin have already both begged to borrow it. I said maybe. I think it will take me a while to get through it.
P.S. I saw P.S. I love you. It was pretty good. Gerry Butler was good. He was an Irish singer in it.
P.S. I am sup[posed to be writing about my feelings about the holocaust right now. It was a tragic, horrible thing that should have never happened. In S.S. we are learning about slavery. Quite interesting. Terrible, but intersting.
I need to see Twilight. Cynthia and Kaitlin think it will suck. I'm being more hopeful now. Anyway, Robert Pattinson is in it. That will make it good. :)
Posted by Potters at 9:31 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I GOT THE HOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm excited.
aren't you?
stephenie meyer rocks.
i took this quiz thing and i'm a preppy geek.
Posted by Potters at 4:17 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Today I woke up at about 11. That's the latest I have slept for a really long time. Eloise went on a field trip yesterday to a mission. They went on a boat and reinacted people coming to CA for the gold rush. Eloise threw up and on the way back the bus got into an accident. Everyone was okay though. Sounds like a fun field trip. I would love to miss school to go on a boat. I wonder i9f I'm allowed to read Twilight on Cinco de Mayo. I'm almost done with the thief lord. I olove that book. I think this is my 3rd or 4th time reading it. Mandie is coming over today. How exciting. She's bringing the Wicked karoake soundtrack.
Posted by Potters at 1:01 PM 3 comments