Sunday, March 9, 2008


Xavier is a cool name. I just of that for some reason. Church was good. Bro. Segalla is the greatest teacher ever. Cynthia is my best friend here. I love Crunch bars. Yum. People keep asking for things I want for my birthday. I don't really know. I want the Twilight series. Eclipse special edition, Breaking Dawn. Chopin's nocturns, some Debussy, I like Richard Meyer's music. I need some cheap ipod speakers. I want to see Wicked and Phantom of the Opera if that is playing anywhere in the near future.
I have Wizard of Oz rehearsals all week. Long rehearsals. I get to skip some school today and tomorrow because of rehearsals. I have been having weird dreams lately. Yesterday I had a dream that I was in someone's car and I wanted them to drive me to Edward. They just said sorry Edward can't be in this dream. I was so mad. I just kept asking them to take me to Edward but they wouldn't let me. How mean. Then last night I had a dream that Esme and Carlisle were sad that Edward had to leave. I was Bella and I smelled so good that he went to Alaska to live with Tanya's family. It was strange but the Cullen's had a huge black castle instead of their white, pretty house. And then he came back and his car was huge for some reason.


cassie[carnivore] said...

Wow.You do have weird dreams.
What do you want for your birthday???
I was thinking of buying you a movie.I forgot which
one though.I will soon remember.

Anonymous said...

Obviously your dreams are a realisation of the anger that you feel toward your mother insisting that you take a break from the series and branch out into new literature. It is all very natural. I just hope you know that I love you and want what is best for you.


Christie said...

I have vivid dreams, too. It must run in the family. :)

Hey, I bet if you call Grammy and beg, we'll be able to come down for your birthday next week. Cause I'm going to be in town.

And may I recommend the Septimus Heap series? They're pretty good. Not vampires, but still fun.

Anonymous said...

Please come please! I do have weird dreams.

Anonymous said...

been reading "Twilight" huh?
