Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Mysterious Benedict Society

Hi, this is Eloise,

I read a book called The Mysterious Benedict Society. It is by Trenton Lee Stewart and Carson Ellis. This book has four main characters. Reynie, Kate, Sticky and Constance. This book is about many many different things.

The 11-year-old orphan is one of four children to complete a series of challenging and creative tasks, and he, Kate, Constance, and Sticky become the Mysterious Benedict Society. After being trained by Mr. Benedict and his assistants, the four travel to an isolated school where children are being trained by a criminal mastermind to participate in his schemes to take over the world. The young investigators need to use their special talents and abilities in order to discover Mr. Curtain's secrets, and their only chance to defeat him is through working together.

This book can be read by any good reader. You have to read this book to find the excitement. I'm sure you will enjoy this book. I recommend this book to everyone.


cassie[carnivore] said...

Elley I want to read it!
I'm in need of a good book.

Christie said...

Sounds good! I'll have to check it out.

heidi said...

I'll have to get it for my kids