Saturday, March 29, 2008
Hollister, Wet seal and basketball

Posted by Potters at 7:21 PM 8 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Posted by Potters at 5:15 PM 6 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Mountain Idol
Mountain Idol went well. My best friend got 2nd place and 30 dollars. My quartet played in the lobby when people were coming in. Then I sang with the choir. We did the opening song we're all in this together. Yes, high school musical. It was kind of pathetic. Mandie sang Teardrops on my guitar. My friend Becca sang Popular and did a really good job. There were alot of Carrie Underwood songs. Two Taylor Swift and 2 Sugarland songs. It was fun. Second question of the day: Is a B a terrible grade? Apparently my mom thinks so.
Posted by Potters at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Easter, Igloo, Sunday
It is quite inconvenient to have my birthday so close to Easter. Kira and Caitlin can't come. But that means I can invite Isabel now. Isabel is a good friend. She doesn't talk too much and she's mellow. Its relaxing to talk to her. I'm at school now. 1st period English. We're at the computer lab obviously. I have already done my research on the internet. I just need books and then I can write my report. I'm writing it on endangered species and why wolves were endangered and how they gor off the list. Then I will write about organizations that are helping stop wolf hunting. I feel sick. I'm hungry and tired. Lucky I have lunch 3rd period. 1 and a half more classes till food. 12 days without you-know-which-books. How many more to go? Maybe my birthday will be the lucky day. If so only 4 more days. Should my word of the day be igloo or Sunday? Both are fun words. Question of the day: how many falling stars have you seen in a lifetime? I've only seen one and it was this year. I am reading the Doctrine and Covenants right now. It is pretty interesting. I should do some more research. Good-bye. (That's a fun word too!)
Posted by Potters at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Have you ever realized what a cool word hello is? It is fun to say. Hello, hello, hello.
I have been so happy today. My friend Mohit wrote me today. That makes me happy for some reason. We went to the dentist today. I might need an operation because one tooth is headbutting another. I need some more sealants too. I forgot that it was Saint Patricks day until I came to school and people were all wearing green. Oh well. I thought it was on Wednesday or Thursday. I'm not sure why. Today is the first day in a month or two that I have socialized instead of reading all day. Feels strange. Whats your favorite song right now?
Posted by Potters at 3:22 PM 4 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
7 more days
This is my fave bird other than the peregrine falcon now. its new! It's a tongan white-eyed bird. Cool. Wizard of Oz is over. We did a great job. I was surprised how sad I was when it was over. Mandie did not come today because she is Mormon. Paul, Kayley, Tom, Alison and I am Mormon but we still all went. Wuthering Heights is going well. Cathy and Heathcliff both don't have any good qualities. They are both mean. I love Clair de Lune. That's my favorite song at the moment. I really like the Killers too. I love We you were young, Where the white boys dance and somebody told you... & days till my birthday. Juke's are really cool. My friend has the juke. It's going to feel weird having time to do stuff now. I have an 2 essays due soon and other stuff.
Posted by Potters at 7:36 PM 3 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Xavier is a cool name. I just of that for some reason. Church was good. Bro. Segalla is the greatest teacher ever. Cynthia is my best friend here. I love Crunch bars. Yum. People keep asking for things I want for my birthday. I don't really know. I want the Twilight series. Eclipse special edition, Breaking Dawn. Chopin's nocturns, some Debussy, I like Richard Meyer's music. I need some cheap ipod speakers. I want to see Wicked and Phantom of the Opera if that is playing anywhere in the near future.
I have Wizard of Oz rehearsals all week. Long rehearsals. I get to skip some school today and tomorrow because of rehearsals. I have been having weird dreams lately. Yesterday I had a dream that I was in someone's car and I wanted them to drive me to Edward. They just said sorry Edward can't be in this dream. I was so mad. I just kept asking them to take me to Edward but they wouldn't let me. How mean. Then last night I had a dream that Esme and Carlisle were sad that Edward had to leave. I was Bella and I smelled so good that he went to Alaska to live with Tanya's family. It was strange but the Cullen's had a huge black castle instead of their white, pretty house. And then he came back and his car was huge for some reason.
Posted by Potters at 2:17 PM 5 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
17 more days!!
17 more days until my birthday. Last night was registration for high school. I signed up for Honors English, Biology, Geometry, French, Orchestra, and P.E. I'm excited for French. My friends are taking it too.
The people in social studies who sit by me are mean. Today we had a sub. and they talked the whole time during the test. The sub. didn't do a thing but say pepole had to stop going to the bathroom. They were cheating and making fun of people. Then after the test they talked to this new kid who has lived here before but has moved back. I guess in elementary school he got expelled two days after moving there. Then they started talking about how he and other people smoke crack and his parents don't care if he smokes in the house. I hope I did well on my test.
I love phantom of the opera. I have been listening to the original cast recording lately. Good stuff. We have Wizard of Oz rehearsals all week next week. The show starts a week from today. I'd ask people to come but I don't want them to see me as a munchkin being all happy and stuff. So don't come, or come and skip my scene.
The missionaries are coming over. We haven't had the new one over so we'll get to meet him. My cold is getting better I think(and hope). In choir we are singing We're all in this Together from HIgh School Musical. Sure I like high school musical but in public? I get to play with my quartet in the lobby at the concert. Maybe I'll get out of singing... Probably not. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean the other day. What a good movie. I want the 2nd and 3rd. I stole the 1st one from my aunt. Sorry, but I don't want to give it back. I got West Side Story for Christmas. That is a good one too. I have to do homework. I have math, socialstudies and math to make up from sick days. Better get going. Or not. Maybe I'll just read New Moon. I'm almost to the part when she nlearns that Jacob is a werewolf. Bye!
Posted by Potters at 5:54 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Today I was thinking about two really great things. Cows and hamburgers. I love cows. They are mellow, big, gentle, unique animals that give us so many things that nourish us. Cows are kind. I like them. Hamburgers are delicious. They make great meals. I was just thinking about how I am kind of a hypocrite. I say I love sweet, gentle cows and then go ahead and buy a burger. Kind of sad huh?
Then I was thinking about music. I am into piano music right now. Piano music sounds like breathing. Or atleast Chopins nocturns do. They are pretty. I love Clair de Lune. That song makes me happy. It makes me want to cry.
I have been banned from reading Twilight. When I don't read it I feel all nervous and weird. I feel like I can't breath. I should be able to read it as much as I like. It is for my health. I just finished Twilight for the third time. Reading Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse make me feel happy. I'm happy when I read them.
I am going to read Wuthering Heights. Bella likes Wuthering Heights. That's not my only reason don't worry. I also should read it for high school and it sounds intersting. I'm not really one for that weird language they use but I will try to read on.
I can't breath!
Posted by Potters at 6:27 PM 6 comments
The Mysterious Benedict Society
Posted by Potters at 6:02 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Guess what? May 31st Eclipse special edition comes out! I really want. I don't have Eclipse anyway so to have special edition would be even better. It has the first chapter of Breaking Dawn in it. August 2nd. Grrrrr.
Posted by Potters at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Posted by Potters at 7:20 PM 4 comments