Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So I am doing the music man. I'm first violin out of two violins. It's really hard and rehearsals are long. I keep going to the chiropractor and my back hurts now. he cracked my back. I went on this massager machine which hurt. The other one didn't hurt as bad it jsut felt kind of weird. Finals are next week. Half days! I finished Inkheart. It was sooooo good. You should read it. I'm reading Inkspell now. So is Cassie. It's weird we have the same book and the same chapstick! I want to see Bride Wars. And Valkyrie. And confessions of a shopaholic.


heidi said...

have you read the book confessions of a shopaholic? it's funny! i want to see bride wars too.

congrats on the music man...let us know when it is, hopefully we could come up for the performance.

Christie said...

Confessions of a Shopaholic is a hilarious book, I totally second Heidi's recommendation. Good luck with rehearsals and with finals. I'm sure everything will work out-you're a smart cookie.

Why don't you try some yoga poses for your back? It may help.

Clancy said...

Being in a pit orchestra playing the musicals can be fun, but it can also be, long, tedious rehearsals, as you are discovering. I have played several musicals over the years, but I have not actually SEEN many of them; too busy down in the pit. I hope the chiropractor is beneficial in the long run, it's hard to enjoy playing when you're uncomfortable. Good luck with the finals! Did the Trott's studies ever arrive?

Anonymous said...

I will look for the book. And thanks. The music is getting easier after just playing it through over and over again. And yes the trott came. Thanks.