Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas Munchkin

Since the last time I write it has snowed. Did you hear? I auditioned for the part of a munchkin in The Wizard of Oz and got it with my two friends Mandie and Rebecca. Today I went on the roof with Dad. It was fun. Here is my christmas list:

Converse (Low tops)-red, yellow, grey, or black
Skinny jeans- cool ones like Mandie's
Vanessa Hudgens CD
West Side Story-Movie and or soundtrack
Phantom of the Opera-movie
A fish tank-big
wii-and the high school musical sing it game to go with
Fly Fusion Pen

That is a very abridged version. I had about 20-25 things on my list but Mom and Dad took my list so they can sort through it. Here is Eloise's list:
Ashley Tisdale CD- Headstrong
Fly Fusion Pen-cool
Polly Pockets-they barely have any now cause of recalls
Corbin Bleu CD-She loves him

and that's pretty much all. She has a short, easy list. Unlike my 25 items. I'm a munchkin. Merry Christmas. Love, MC


Christie said...

Great list! It gives Grammy and me ideas. And congrats on being a munchkin!!

Potters said...
