my posse on skit night lol charlotte, tim and aaron
Lizzie in our cabin...

"Shirtless boys!" "Where?!" "There!"

Me on a rock

Haha Tobins shorts

Tobin and his adorable little bro

Thomas on a rock at happy gap watching the sun set

Gabbie, Cameron, me. when camerons dad saw it he was like "that's ma boy"

Ma homies James and Gabbie

james and charlotte
Arrowbear was the most amazing experience ever. Everyone was so friendly. I had friends by the end of the first day. James was the best friend I made there. He wants to be a producer for music and he raps. He was so inspiring to me cause he was so positive and he had a plan for what he wanted to do in life. I love him so much. James, Gabbie and I had really deep discussions that we couldn't have had with anyone else but James. There was some drama between our quartet and James really helped me and Gabbie through it. James and Gabbie were the only people I could have really opened up to. We cried, laughed, sand and danced together which made us like best friends. I'm going to his brother Cameron's bday party on Friday in Long Beach and I can't wait to see them! Most of our friends from camp are going to be there!
The music was very challenging. The first day I thought our conductor Stephen was going to murder us he worked us so hard. I thought that would just be the first day but it got worse. One rehearsal we worked on the same 10 measures for 45 minutes but in the end it was worth it. Our concert sounded really good and I couldn't believe how much we improved. We played the overture of Oberon by Weber, Silhouette by idk, George Gershwin in concert (which was AMAZING!) and gradetzky march by Strauss, and an Elgar piece. I really learned how to use my bow while I was at camp. The middle week was quartet week and the people in my quartet were really good. We played the @nd quartet by David Stone which was really fun. Alot of people said our quartet was the best (partly because we got the best music) everyone else got mozart or haydn.
Well Stephen was the best conductor I have ever worked with. He was so tough on us but he really made us sound amazing. He has an orchestra he will be conducting down the hill so hopefully I will be able to do that.
As you can see from the pics I spent ALOT of time at happy gap. It was amazing just going up ythere for an hour everyday to chill and watch the view. People would play ultimate frisbee at the park and we would watch them from up at happy gap.
Campfire was one of my favorite parts of the day because the atmosphere was so comforting and family-ish. We would sing and people just shared whatever they wanted. I saw more shooting stars at campfire than I have in my whole life.
Posse: the second or third day Dennis (he owns the camp) made us get in groups with people we didn't know and some we did know and these were our posse's. Charlotte, Aaron, Tim, Caitlin, Shorty and Jenny were my posse. We did our skit which kinda failed because Shorty got sick right before so Jacob had to sit in for him. Dennis made us really open up and tell/explain ourselves and about our lives to our posse which was really good for me cause I don't open up to people.
Mornings were great too because we would wake up and see our best friends and that was really nice. Gabbie was crazy in the mornings so we had so much fun. Also every morning we would get into rank and give massages to the people in front of us, behind and next to us. It was reeeaaally nice. And I miss good morning hugs and bedtime hugs so much.
The dances Cause I don't dance. The rave was lame so all the guys took their shirts off cause there was nothing better to do haha.
Well moral of the story: Arrowbear is amazing, you will improve as a musician,as a person, and as a friend. Cassie you HAVE to come next year. Oh and btw there were alot of hotties which gives you more reason to come next year lol